Pub Talk
"Don't Miss The Women! You Will Miss
The Future!"
By Ms. Gloria Montano
Director, Virtual Development Center (VDC)
Institute for Women and Technology (IWT)
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to the Public. No fee. 5:00 - 7:00 p.m.
The Pub Talk begins at 6:00 p.m.
There are too few women creating
future technology. Those who do, do not work in an environment where
other women are viewed as interesting. Imagine if all the technology
defining the future, and all the technology that men use were imagined
and created by women. Something would be missing...half of the world's
brilliance and ideas! Today, women's brilliance is missing and half
of the technology that could be invented is lost. At this Pub Talk,
learn how at the Institute for Women and Technology, they have collected
more than 1,200 ideas from women and how they are finding ways to
change systems so that women become jazzed to contribute to the
development of ideas.
Gloria Montano is the Director of the Virtual Development
Center (VDC) at the Institute for Women and Technology. Ms. Montano
is a national past President of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE),
a non-profit educational and service organization founded in 1950,
dedicated to increasing the number of women in engineering and ensuring
their continued success as engineers and leaders. As a long time,
active volunteer with SWE, Ms. Montano served in many other positions
at the national, regional, and local levels since 1976. Ms. Montano
is a member of the Industry Advisory Committee for the Model Institutions
for Excellence (MIE) at the University of Texas at El Paso. MIE
is an initiative sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
to increase the number of historically underrepresented minorities
successfully completing Masters and Ph.D. programs in science, engineering,
and mathematics. Ms. Montano is also on the Board of Directors of
the National Center for Women in Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Math. The latter's mission is to increase the reach and effectiveness
of organizations and individuals seeking to advance women and girls
in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics by providing
valued services, resources, and venues that maximize both individual
creativity and interdependent cooperation, collaboration, and synergism.
Ms. Montano has over 20 years of corporate experience that includes
program management, customer and field support, and integrated circuit
design at Compaq, Mentor Graphics, Teradyne EDA, Silicon Compiler,
and IBM. Ms Montano holds a BSEE from the University of Texas at
El Paso. For more information on Ms. Montano, visit: (http://www.iwt.org/whoweare/bios/gloriamontano.html).
The Institute for Women and Technology (http://www.iwt.org)
is changing the world for women and technology. Its mission - to
increase the impact of women on all aspects of technology; to increase
the positive impact of technology on the lives of the world's women;
and to help communities, industry, education, and government benefit
from these increases - addresses technology's increasing impact
on our economic, political, social, and personal lives.
The Institute for Women and Technology:
Increases the world's understanding
that women's perspective and brilliance are critical for the expansion
of positive technology.
Changes the systems, not the
women. Education and workplaces need to change in ways that engage
and build on women's ideas and vision.
Increases the visibility of
women's impact on technology to each other and beyond, thus increasing
understanding of their own and other women's brilliance.
Draws technical and non-technical
women into technology by making the connection between technology
creation and social impact.
Provides support for women inside
of technology including networking, access to relationships and
information, mentoring, and problem solving.
The Institute offers four different programs. The Virtual Development
Center is an industry, academic, and community partnership, and
research program aimed at finding new and innovative ways to involve
women and girls in all aspects of technology. The Grace Hopper Celebration
of Women in Computing Conference is the premier event for technical
women in computing. The Systers Online Community for Women in Computing
is the first and largest such online community engaging and supporting
nearly 3,000 women in 38 countries. The Senior Women's Summit brings
together an elite set of women who have become leaders in their
fields, and includes representatives from academia, government,
and industry.
Institute for Women and Technology
1501 Page Mill Road, ms 1105
Palo Alto, CA 94304
T: 650.236.4756
Mr. Eric L. Mason
Institute for Women and Technology
T: 650.236.4079