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***PUB TALK:   THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 2000

By Jonathan Fornaci, President & Chief Executive Officer, AtomicTangerine
Open to the Public.

Trying to orchestrate a major change in the Digital Economy, whether launching a start-up or re-inventing an established company, requires strategic partners with an understanding for each company’s objectives and goals.  Jonathan Fornaci will explain the Venture Consulting business model pioneered by his company and its advantages for clients at all stages of evolution.


Jonathan leads the AtomicTangerine executive team and serves as a Board Member.  He has a proven track record of visionary leadership gained through years spent in senior-level positions with companies such as Luna, IBIS Consulting, GE Capital and Trans Ocean Ltd. As CEO OF IBIS Consulting, Jonathan more than doubled revenue and employees in less than 12 months and successfully orchestrated a $300 million merger with Proxicom.  As COO of Luna, Jonathan
brought to market the first e-relationship software for FORTUNE 1000 and Digital 1000

Jonathan previously served as Chief Information and Technology Officer of a GE Capital Services Company and as part of the GE Capital corporate staff. During his two years with GE Capital, he directed the company’s worldwide systems operations, including development of the company’s Extranet, Intranet, enterprise applications and WAN. He also facilitated a worldwide reengineering effort for the accounting, operations and sales/marketing departments and oversaw a major company merger.


AtomicTangerine (, a spin-off of Silicon Valley-based SRI International, founded as Stanford Research Institute, is the Internet’s first eBusiness venture consulting firm.  AtomicTangerine’s mission is to apply the disciplines of venture capital, technology innovation and strategic consulting to create category killers and incubate new industries for companies of all sizes and at all stages of evolution. AtomicTangerine is at the forefront of the growing eServices market through its close relationship with SRI International and joint ventures with FORTUNE 500 companies and dot.coms, from which it has access to emerging quantum leap technologies that are not yet commercially available.  As part of its strategy to bring clients first-mover advantage, AtomicTangerine utilizes a value creation pricing model, in which a portion of its compensation is tied to its clients’ success. AtomicTangerine, headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area, with offices in New York, London, Tokyo, Washington, D.C., Boston, Denver and Seattle/Tacoma, has more than 175 employees.

Contact: Diane Kegley, Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer, AtomicTangerine, 925.786.8600